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UP is where we make time and space to enjoy God and be with Him. 
Some rhythms might look like 
  • Scripture: find time in your day to read the Bible. Augsutine once said the Bible is our letters from home. Allow these letters to refresh your soul and be a light to your path. Join us in our daily scripture reading practice: feeding ourselves daily with the word of God. Listen to a talk on the Bible 

  • Prayer: Practice morning prayer and/or the Examen in the evening. Listen to a talk on prayer click

  • Silence and solitude: these two go hand in hand. Get alone with God to be quiet in a quiet place for a few minutes or hours. Stop doing, stop pleasing people, stop entertaining yourself, stop obsessing — stop doing anything except to simply be yourself before God and be found by him.

  • Sabbath: The Sabbath is a day to stop working, stop wanting, stop worrying, just stop. Take a day to remind yourself what the Psalmist meant when he said “I lack nothing.” Without rest and slowing down, life begins to happen around us rather than through us. We become more of a passenger than driver, more consumer than creator, reactive rather than proactive. Choose a day to stop and delight. Listen to a talk 

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